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collection of coins
Accelerate Collections

Citizens Bank offers services that can help your business receive funds more efficiently and simplify your daily operations.

Featured Services
Remote Deposit Capture
Credit Card Processing

hand holding money icon
Manage Payments

Citizens Bank gives your business the tools to manage payments securely and efficiently.

Featured Services
Wire Transfer
Bill Pay
Commercial Lines of Credit
Debit Cards
Business Credit Cards

side stack of dollar bills
Optimize Liquidity

Citizens Bank can help ensure your business’ funds are available when they are needed.

Featured Services
Business Investment Sweep
Loan Sweep

credit card strip with a check mark icon
Minimize Risk

Citizens Bank’s services can help your business safeguard financial information and prevent fraud.

Featured Services
Check Positive Pay
Online Banking

First & Convenient

Remote Deposit Capture

Remote Deposit Capture services will allow you to conveniently deposit checks from your office or on the go. Citizens Bank offers 3 types of remote deposit capture to allow you to choose what will work best for your business: a desktop scanner installed in your office, a basic single-check mobile remote deposit or a multi-check mobile remote deposit that can both be used through our mobile banking app.

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A gray haired and youthful looking couple in their 50's enjoy time with each other in a beautiful outdoor setting, the sun casting a golden glow on the scene. The man takes a picture of a check with his smart phone for a Remote Deposit Capture to his bank.

ACH Origination

ACH origination can help to replace writing physical checks or waiting on an invoice to be paid via check. With ACH origination, you can:

  • Upload a NACHA formatted file or create a file within our online banking portal.
  • Build templates
  • Collect payments from any customer
  • Deposit payroll funds to employees
  • Pay State & Federal Tax Payments (EFTPS)



Wire Transfer

Citizens Bank makes sending and receiving domestic and international wire transfers convenient and simple. Domestic wire transfers can be completed online or in person, while international wire transfers are limited to in-person service.

Stack of money icon
Business Investment Sweep

Protecting your business’ deposits while earning a return — now that’s smart!

Earn Interest
Earn interest while keeping your money secure.

Save Time
Work directly with just Citizens Bank – a bank you know and trust.

Rest Assured
Enjoy the peace of mind of multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance.

Access Funds
Access your funds when you need them with ICS.

Why Choose

Insured Cash Sweep

Would you like to access multi-million-dollar FDIC protection on your deposits, earn interest, and enjoy flexibility at the same time? Now you can—through ICS®, the Insured Cash Sweep® service.1

With ICS, you can:

Rest assured. Make even large deposits eligible for protection that’s backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government.

Earn interest. Put excess cash balances to work by placing funds into demand deposit accounts using the ICS demand option or into money market deposit accounts using the ICS savings option.

Save time. Work directly with just Citizens Bank—a bank you know and trust. Receive just one monthly statement from us summarizing your account activity and balances. And, if you are accustomed to collateralization, reduce the need to track collateral on an ongoing basis.

Access funds. Enjoy unlimited withdrawals using the ICS demand option, or make up to six program withdrawals per month using the ICS savings option. Your funds can be placed using either or both ICS options to best match your cash management and liquidity needs.

Learn More About ICS

Why Choose


CDARS is one of the safest, smartest vehicles for investors looking to protect their large-dollar deposits while earning CD-level returns.2

CDs placed through CDARS offer:

  • access to multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance;
  • the ease of working through one trusted relationship, earning one rate per maturity, and receiving consolidated statements;
  • relief from ongoing collateralization—because CDARS deposits are eligible for FDIC protection, you can eliminate ongoing collateral tracking;
  • a finite maturity date (in contrast to auction-rate or some adjustable-rate securities); and
  • the ability to have the amount of your deposit available to support lending initiatives that strengthen the local community.3

Answers to Your

Frequently Asked Questions


How can deposits greater than the standard FDIC insurance maximum ($250,000) be insured by the FDIC?

The FDIC insures up to $250,000 of a customer’s deposit accounts in a given insurable capacity at an FDIC-insured depository institution. Your ICS funds are divided into amounts under the standard FDIC maximum and placed with other ICS Network members—each an FDIC-insured institution. This makes your deposit eligible for FDIC insurance at each member bank. By working directly with our bank, you can access insurance through many. You do not pay a fee to use this service, and you receive just one consolidated, monthly account statement from us. (You can also see, online, where your funds are at all times.)

How often can I access my funds?

You can make unlimited program withdrawals using the ICS demand option and up to six program withdrawals per month using the ICS savings option.

Who has custody of my funds?

Funds placed through ICS are deposited only in FDIC-insured banks. We act as custodian for your ICS deposits, and the sub-custodian for ICS deposits is BNY Mellon.

Who provides the additional FDIC insurance when my funds are placed using ICS?

Through ICS, funds are placed with other ICS Network members, and those Network members provide you with access to the additional FDIC insurance coverage. Working directly with just our bank, you can access coverage through many.

Is my account information safe?

You work directly with just us—the bank you know and trust. As always, your confidential information remains protected.


How can deposits greater than the standard FDIC insurance maximum ($250,000) be insured by the FDIC?

The standard FDIC insurance maximum is $250,000 per insured capacity, per bank. To protect a larger deposit, you could run around to multiple institutions to deposit your funds, or you could require a bank to collateralize your deposit and track changing collateral values on an ongoing basis. Alternatively, you can place your large-dollar deposit with us, a member of the CDARS Network. Your deposit is divided into smaller amounts and placed with other CDARS Network members, each an FDIC-insured institution. Then, those member institutions issue CDs in amounts under $250,000, so that your deposit is eligible for FDIC insurance at each member bank. By working directly with us, you can access coverage from many (and receive just one regular statement).

Who has custody of my funds?

Funds placed through CDARS are deposited only into FDIC-insured banks. We act as custodian for your CDARS deposits, and the subcustodian for CDARS deposits is the Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). 

Unique to CDARS, you as a depositor can obtain a confirmation of records maintained by BNY Mellon as subcustodian to reconcile those records with the statements received from us. At any time, as often as desired, you as a depositor can obtain a certified statement from BNY Mellon that confirms the exact amount of your CDs, including principal balance and accrued interest, for each FDIC-insured institution that issues a CD through CDARS. 

You can submit a request for the certified statement, along with BNY Mellon’s processing fee, through us. BNY Mellon will send the certified statement directly to you or to another party designated by you, such as an auditor.

How can the amount of my funds be used locally if my CDs are issued by financial institutions all over the country?

When we exchange deposits with other CDARS Network members on a dollar-for-dollar basis, the same amount of funds placed through the Network returns to us. As a result, the total amount of your original deposit can remain with our bank and be used for local lending. (CDARS Reciprocal transactions only.) 2

Is my account information safe?

You work directly with just us—the bank you know and trust. As always, your confidential information remains protected.

What happens if a CDARS Network member bank fails?

Most of the banks that have failed in the United States in recent years were not CDARS Network members or did not hold any CDARS deposits when they failed. When a Network member has failed, the bank’s CDs issued using CDARS in most cases have been transferred to a healthy institution—the FDIC’s preferred method for handling bank failures. In cases where the FDIC has been unable to find a healthy institution willing to accept such a transfer, it has arranged for the payment of the insured principal and accrued interest to the depositors. This payment has usually occurred within a matter of days.

  1. Placement of funds through the ICS service is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclosures in the service agreements, including the Deposit Placement Agreement (“DPA”). Limits and customer eligibility criteria apply. In the ICS savings option, program withdrawals are limited to six per month. Although funds are placed at destination banks in amounts that do not exceed the FDIC standard maximum deposit insurance amount (“SMDIA”), a depositor’s balances at the relationship institution that places the funds may exceed the SMDIA (e.g., before ICS settlement for a deposit or after ICS settlement for a withdrawal) or be ineligible for FDIC insurance (if the relationship institution is not a bank). As stated in the DPA, the depositor is responsible for making any necessary arrangements to protect such balances consistent with applicable law. If the depositor is subject to restrictions on placement of its funds, the depositor is responsible for determining whether its use of ICS satisfies those restrictions. ICS and Insured Cash Sweep are registered service marks of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.
  2. Placement of funds through the CDARS service is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclosures in the service agreements, including the Deposit Placement Agreement (“DPA”). Limits apply. Although funds are placed at destination banks in amounts that do not exceed the FDIC standard maximum deposit insurance amount (“SMDIA”), a depositor’s balances at the relationship institution that places the funds may exceed the SMDIA (e.g., before CDARS settlement for a deposit or after CDARS settlement for a withdrawal) or be ineligible for FDIC insurance (if the relationship institution is not a bank). As stated in the DPA, the depositor is responsible for making any necessary arrangements to protect such balances consistent with applicable law. If the depositor is subject to restrictions on placement of its funds, the depositor is responsible for determining whether its use of CDARS satisfies those restrictions. CDARS is a registered service mark of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.
  3. When deposited funds are exchanged on a dollar-for-dollar basis with other banks in the CDARS Network, our bank can use the full amount of a deposit placed through CDARS for local lending, satisfying some depositors’ local investment goals or mandates. Alternatively, with a depositor’s consent, our bank may choose to receive fee income instead of deposits from other banks. Under these circumstances, deposited funds would not be available for local lending.
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Business Credit Card Processing

To better support our business clients, we  offer credit card processing solutions to best support all types of processing needs.

Helping You Run Your Business Better

Citizens Bank provides our valued customers with the following benefits:

  • A dedicated account manager for all customer service inquiries
  • Comprehensive PCI compliance support
  • Online reporting capabilities
  • Acceptance of all major card brands
  • Competitive rates
Options for Every Business

A Variety of Processing Solutions

We have a variety of processing solutions to help every type of operation accept credit and debit payments, from local businesses to retail e-commerce sites and everything in between.

Our comprehensive payment terminals are equipped with the latest EMV chip card technology and PIN-pad compatibility. Ethernet, dialup, and WiFi connectivity are available. Auto-settlement can be scheduled to ensure your terminal batches out each evening, and you receive funding quickly. Next-day funding is available for most businesses.

Point of Sale (POS)
For integrated business tools and an intuitive end-user experience, Citizens Bank offers a POS solution. This system’s integrated apps and add-ons allow it to scale with your business for ultimate flexibility.

Mobile Processing
Accept credit and debit card payments wherever your business takes you! With our user-friendly mobile solutions, accepting payments is as easy as plugging in the chip reader. Mobile processing is a great solution for businesses that need to accept payments on the go.

Collect payments anytime, anywhere, by allowing your customers to pay online. Citizens Bank can implement a secure online shopping cart for your business or integrate with an existing one.

Software Integration
Process credit and debit card payments securely without leaving your existing Point of Sale (POS) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Citizens Bank can integrate with almost any system currently on the market.

Contact Us for More Information

outline of mobile phone icon

Our business checking lets you easily send digital payments from customers – all available inside Citizens Bank’s online and mobile banking.


Send a professional invoice and get paid — all in the same place.

Customized invoice includes branding
Create a professional‑looking invoice with your business logo and colors in just a few minutes. Your financial institution’s logo is included at the bottom for added credibility.

Wide range of digital payment options
Let customers easily pay you online with any major credit card (including American Express®), debit card, or via ACH electronic bank transfer.

All payments deposited into checking
Get paid directly into your checking account within two business days — no need to transfer your money from external payment acceptance apps.

Easy invoice automation and tracking
Always know exactly who’s paid and who’s due. Set up recurring invoices so you can automate your process and automatically add late fees for past due invoices.

View Autobooks Invoicing

Secure Payment Link

Share a secure payment link by text, or place it on a web page.

Secure payment form accessed via a unique URL
When you enroll, you’re assigned your own unique URL to a secure payment form. This link can be shared by text (SMS) and email, or added to any web page or social media profile.

Detailed payment/donation history readily available
Payments are listed chronologically, with the most recent at the top. Filter the list to find specific payments. Generate a spreadsheet if you need it, and export with one click.

Pay now language can be adjusted for nonprofits
If you run a church or nonprofit, there’s no need to alienate members — quickly update verbiage to take donations or contributions instead.

All payments deposited into checking
Get paid directly into your checking account within two business days — no need to transfer your money from external payment acceptance apps.

In-App Payment Acceptance

Take customer payments on the spot or over the phone.

Payment form doubles as an in‑app terminal
When you’re ready to take a digital payment, just access your payment form inside online or mobile banking, and enter the payment details yourself.

Free standalone mobile app available for Apple or Android
Download the free Autobooks app, via the App Store or Google Play, and access your unique payment form anytime you need to collect a payment.

Transparent processing fees in comparison to non‑bank apps
When you’re a small business, you need to know exactly what you’re paying. Our rates are comparable to popular payment apps, but there are never any hidden fees.

All payments deposited into checking
Get paid directly into your checking account within two business days — no need to transfer your money from external payment acceptance apps.

Payment Acceptance, via QR Code

Display your unique QR code to make it easier for customers to pay.

Reusable QR code is ready to download
Access a reusable QR code inside online or mobile banking. Download and store in your device for easy retrieval, or just print it and display in a prominent location.

Ideal for busy events
QR codes are ideal for in-person events where you plan to meet with multiple customers or donors — farmers’ markets, fundraisers, you name it.

For paper and static invoices
If you send PDF invoices and other billing communications to customers, don’t forget your Autobooks QR code. It doesn’t make a difference if it’s a paper or email invoice.

Accounting & Reporting

Add on full financial management functionality when you’re ready.

Real‑world accounting tools prioritize simplicity
Keep track of your business directly inside online banking and mobile banking. Stop having to rely on pen and paper, spreadsheets, or overly complex accounting software.

Automated reporting to keep everything up to date
When you get paid or pay a bill, let Autobooks update your business reports automatically. Also get profit and loss reporting that tracks your income and expenses, balance sheet, and more.

Cash flow management to track incoming and outgoing
Track your account balance right alongside your incoming and outgoing payment information. Includes scheduled payments, coming due, and past due payments.

Business bill pay to keep expenses top of mind
All bills managed in one place: create, track, and schedule. Users can create a list of vendors, then simply set up and schedule payments and track who they’ve paid and who’s coming up.

Automated Fraud Detection

Check Positive Pay and ACH Positive Pay

Protecting your business’s hard-earned money is our top priority. That’s why Citizens Bank offers both Check and ACH Positive Pay for automated fraud detection.

With Positive Pay, you have the power to report the checks you have written and the ACH transactions you have approved.

You’ll receive an alert through our online portal whenever a transaction doesn’t match up with your reports. From there, our online tools let you make corrections, return fraudulent items or approve items you may have forgotten to include.

Our team always aims to make essential security practices simple and convenient for the businesses we serve.

Closeup of a man writing a check.

News & Updates

A woman on her laptop and she is smiling and waving to the laptop camera

Citizens Bank is Here for You

At Citizens Bank, we’re committed to keeping our local community informed. That’s why we’re ramping up our service to our community to include weekly blog posts educating readers on their finances. We’ll provide posts on important topics- from your personal finances, to your business, and everything in between. We’ve been putting our customers and our […]

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Image of a mom and her daughter sitting on a sofa as the daughter is adding coins to a piggy bank.

Start Them Young- Teaching Kids to Save

A study by the University of Cambridge found that money habits in children are formed by the time they’re 7 years old. Which means teaching them the value of money as well as healthy habits around it has to start young. You still let kids be kids while instilling those healthy habits in fun and […]

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Close up image of a man crunching numbers from a calculator on a white desk.

Consolidate Your Accounts – The Benefits of Banking in One Place

Many people have multiple bank accounts, with each account serving a different purpose. In fact, did you know the typical U.S. consumer maintains 5.3 different bank accounts? In general, checking accounts are for frequent transactions, whereas savings accounts are to put money away. Then you have all different types of loans, from home mortgages to […]

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