How can a regular checking and savings customer make the most of their account? Citizens Bank Customer Care Supervisor Heather Brown shares the inside scoop on how to get help, save more, and what she wishes customers knew.

Round Up.

I would recommend that any customer should add RoundUp Savings to their debit card. Every time you swipe the card attached to your checking account it rounds up to the nearest dollar and puts that money straight into the attached savings account.

Download our App.

With our app, customers can access their banking information and monitor their account 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Call us any time.

The easiest time to reach us is between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, and until 6 p.m. on Fridays, we don’t tend to get as many phone calls at the end of the day. Everyone typically calls us at 9 a.m. when we open, or at lunchtime, trying to get things done while they’re on break from their own jobs.

We also have a 24/7 automated phone system– if you need help after business hours and can’t get into your online banking, that automated phone will allow them to access that info on their account and gain access to them.

We can help with lots of different things.

Not everyone knows we’re here and dedicated just to helping them. No matter what number they call they get the customer care center and we can help with just about anything.

Heather and the Customer Care Center team can help you with:

  • setting up online banking
  • taking payments over the phone for credit cards or loans
  • taking loan payments from a bank account that is not held with our bank
  • getting a dispute process going for debit card charges
  • reordering debit cards
  • address changes
  • reprinting statements
  • verifying funds on an account or if a check has cleared
  • ordering checks
  • setting up automatic transfers